Friday, May 15, 2009

Thankful Friday

Whitney inspired me with her Thankful Tuesday posts to get back to blogging. I just loved her posts about watching the mother bird build her nest and about Juniper laughing. Would like to have included the icon from Whitney's blogsite, but it required a link that I couldn't find to use it on my site. Still, I'm thankful. So, I'll write.

This family is so wonderful! Our children and their spouses are good to the core. I have so many warm and wonderful memories of all of you. And now we get to enjoy our grandchildren in the best way, because their mommies and daddies are taking such good care of them. I love reading Heather's, Renee's and Whitney's blogs. It's such a wonderful way to record your memories and share them with your family and friends.

We spent this past week with Heather's family. It just felt good to be with their family. They're so good tegether! I brought books for the kids and Laurel and Ashley could read their books! Austin enjoyed reading with me. Ewan asked me to read one of his favorite books so that we could discuss it. I can already tell that it won't be one of my favorites, but I'm glad he wants to discuss Ender's Game with me. Corinne came home from school with a thick library book that she was engrossed in. Madeleine has been taking her children to the library regulary since Sarah was a baby. They all love to be read to and Sarah is reading now, too! Last night I opened my Mother's Day gift from Brent's family. It was a book that they had made for me, "Grammy, I love you because..." Wow. Literacy at it's best! I'm thankful my children love to read!

I'm thankful for Craig. I'm thankful that my husband loves to spend his "time off" with his family. It's nice to be able to sit next to him on the plane and hold his hand as we take off and land. It's nice to sit next to him and not have to talk. It's nice to come home and sleep in the same bed that we've shared for almost thiry-four years. (Well, not exactly the same bed.) It's nice to have a husband who puts his family first.

I'm thankful for parents who love me. I'm especially thankful for my angel mother, who is still watching over us and praying for us in heaven. I'm thankful for the Gospel that gives me hope that we can all join her and be together with her in eternity.


  1. This is Matthew, Hi Mom!. So a little background for Ender's Game... not to say that Ewan hasn't given you one already but I thought I would add 2 cents. I didn't read Ender's Game until I was a bit older... like only a year or 2 ago. Orson Scott Card is the author, he is a prestigious Mormon. He also wrote Iron Man. I'm not much of a Sci Fi Fan... in fact I think the only Sci Fi Book I have read is Ender's Game. When you read the book you will quickly realize that this is more than a children's Sci Fi story but more of a spiritual, moral, philosophical book. I'm glad Ewan's reading it!

  2. I loved your post Mom. I hope that you keep on writing! And we really really really enjoyed your visit!
