Monday, February 23, 2009


Heather and Whitney posted comments on my Blog. I feel hugged! I feel loved! My next blogging goal will be to create links to the websites I refer you to so that you can just click on the URL (is that what it's called?) and in a "Beam me up, Scotty!" moment, you will be transported to that sight. I confess, technology is still a mysterious voodoo experience for me. I'm technology dependent (vs. autonomous)and still quite technology phobic. At least I know how to use a mouse. Last week I learned that a friend of mine is too nervous to even learn to use a mouse.

Last year the Reader's Digest published an article about this amazing new invention. It's a devise that allows a person to send a hug through the telephone to another person, WHICH CAN ACTUALLY BE FELT. As I was contemplating the technology that made this possible, it occurred to me that it all comes from the God who created our earth and worlds without number. These technological discoveries are just that, discoveries. God has already mastered these technologies. Man is just discovering them. If our Creator can allow us to send a hug through the telephone, why should it be so hard to believe that He communicates with his prophets on earth today, or that he will communicate with us personally through his Holy Spirit. After all, we are His spirit children.

Question: Do you think that keeping up with technology will help prevent senility?
Interfacing with technology has almost become a survival skill, as necessary as hunting was in primitive times. So, if old folks are having to stretch their minds to keep up with monthly, weekly, or daily changes will that retard the onset of senility?

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