Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hide the Remote

Certain members of my family think I watch too much t.v. I won't try to defend myself, except to say that this is a fairly recent behavior. Those I live with have all tried to persuade me to engage in more meaningful pursuits, but I think that sixteenth month-old Maddison said it best. This morning she grabbed the remote when I wasn't looking. When I asked her for it, she scurried away as fast as her little legs would carry her and put the remote in one of my saucepans and put the lid on it, laughing with glee. It was kind of embarrassing, really.


  1. She's a doll!!! And I'd be OK if the tv were never turned on. :)

  2. He he he what a darling little girl. She just wants you to play with her more ;)
