Friday, April 2, 2010

Shout For Joy!

SURPRISE! In celebration of my birthday, I'm going to try this again. I enjoy all of your blogs so much! I hope to bring something of interest to the table.

Spring has definitely sprung here in SOCAL. Our pretty lavender ice plant is in full bloom and daffodils are popping up, without any encouragement. Our noses are running and our eyes are itching as we inhale spring. It seems, as stated in scripture, that the whole earth is shouting for joy at this time of year. Anticipating our General Conference, I read in my notes from April 2008 Conference, "The plants, flowers and animals endure all the winter elements, and then rejoice in bloom, fecundity, song and flight in the spring." Wow! What a beautiful example to us to just hang on through our winters and rejoice in our springs. What a beautiful witness also of our Savior's resurrection!

My kids will all tell you that I can't grow anything. I water too much, or not enough. I have managed to keep two low maintenance houseplants alive for quite sometime. Other than that, I've acquired a collection of pots that used to belong to pretty flowers that died on my watch.

So, not one to give up easily, when I saw the Topsy Turvey Tomato Planter advertised, hope sprung anew. I thought,if I can't grow plants right side up, maybe I can grow them upside down. I'll keep you posted.



  1. Your blog looks super cute! Please keep us updated with your tomato plants! I love you! Happy Birthday!

  2. I bet you can grow then upside down! That thought reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. I'm happy you are getting back to blogging. Maybe I will try to do the same. Happy Birthday!
